REASONS TO HAVE A GUS-ONLY VERSION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ First, I would like to apologize for the actual state of the VangeliSTracker. I would like to state clearly that the fact that this version is only working with GUS is PURELY ACCIDENTAL. There are two reasons for that: * First, I want to have the VangeliSTracker to work with that wonderful sound card. I must admit that Advanced Gravis is the only manufacturer that has shown interest in my work , and that's something I'm eager to thank in every possible way. The rest of sound card makers have shown none or, as is the case of a VERY important one, they have told me to go to hell (well, actually they told me to go coding for Windows, which is more or less the same). * Second, the source code of the program has gone out of hands, and it's too full of bugs to try to fix it. Better than that, I'm gonna rewrite the whole thing from scratch. The biggest trouble was the different programming philosophy of the GUS, that made me put too many shitty pieces of code, and that makes bugs multiply. As I don't have too much free time, and I wont to get to the rewrite, I'll not try to release this version complete. Well, as usual, criticism, suggestions, help, etc... is admitted (very badly wanted). Salutaciones, JCAB/Iguana/VangeliSTeam